Murray O'Hair (alt. Madelyn Murray O'Hare) |
Third Update note: I regret that I used the word "insane" in my last update note, primarily because I can't think of a better word for this one. As 2007 begins, mutations of the original petition continue to abound. It is encouraging that, in the last few years, this article has become one of the most viewed on our web site. Perhaps many are starting to search out the facts before forwarding lies. This update doesn't add much, except the text of the latest email variation, and new web links at the conclusion (as the original were no longer valid). My hopes expressed in the second update note still apply... Second Update note: This is insane. 2001 shows that this hoax hasn't ceased... it has grown. The decievers who update these false petitions have succesfully made a mockery of Christians -- the ones who recirculate the majority of these hoaxes. How about you? Will you work to stop the lies? Will you email those who have received or promoted these false causes and encourage them to contact others for the purpose of stopping this? Let's stand for the truth and use our efforts for good! [With this update, I have changed the text of the original article to reflect the new variation as well.] Update note: 1999 is here and I'm back at this article again... Sad, but true, these mistruths are still in circulation. Thanks to a web reader, I was notified that an update was necessary due to an outdated phone number. This individual found our article because they were trying to check out the petition 2493 letter when it arrived! Maybe there is hope!! "Christians, especially those evangelical types, are a mindless mass, gullibly following manipulative leaders, regardless of the facts." Harsh and unjustified words?! Yet, variations of this sentiment are expressed regularly across North America. We would (and should) be quick to say that they don't know what they're talking about... yet all to often we, who follow the Truth (John 14:6), have actually handed the world the ammunition for their attacks on Christianity. Many years ago I first wrote of the Proctor & Gamble allegations that had no basis in truth. For years those falsehoods and slanderous statements have been circulated by primarily Christians and churches; often calling for a product boycott. Having spent more time in consideration of this trend, I feel that it's success has been due to the "Sensationalism Syndrome." Yes, that's right, sensationalism sells and so does convenience. What can be more glamorous than being part of a perceived "high profile" protest, with little need for time and effort? It's a great token way of saying "I've done something to make a difference!" On the other hand, spending hours investigating claims, examining the facts, and then working to make a real difference or change (which can sometimes take months or years), is definitely NOT sensational or convenient. Some would be quick to say, "well, both methods are equally valid and useful." It's at this I would have to say that I disagree. Nothing can replace competency and integrity. To intentionally set ourselves, and others, up for wrong actions, speech and thoughts, brings discredit on the name of Christ. Of course, everyone can make mistakes and unwittingly be involved in, or party to, a deception -- but this is far different from leaping into the arms of fallacy, under the guise of doing good, while wearing the blindfold of ignorance. Years ago I was also given a copy of a "convenience petition", regarding Madalyn Murray O'Hair (alt. Madelyn Murray O'Hare), while ministering in the USA. I call it a "convenience petition", rather than a "conviction petition", because it's a photocopied form that you need only sign and drop in the mail. A convenience is something you do because it's your preference made easy, while a conviction is something you stand by, and for, and react to, even when inconvenient; because you know it is right. The reason our nations (and many churches) are in such a mess, is that few people have convictions, while many have preferences. I checked into the O'Hair petition and found it to be fraudulent and had decided, that since it didn't appear to be widespread in our area, to not publish an article about it. I was wrong. Within a few weeks I found this petition to be alive and in full circulation among Christians in Canada and the USA. From 1998 on, the most common versions and updates of this hoax petition are now circulating in cyber space. For the record, this is a summary of what the print [letter] Canadian version (mutation) of this petition says...
Aside from some obvious warning signs that this was fraudulent (i.e.. no date of the alleged hearing was given and no date appeared on the letter - this way this hoax can continue for years), anyone interested in finding out if this was true could have written to the F.C.C. at the address given on the petition. Better still, they could have called directory assistance and gotten the FCC's computerized information number: (202) 418-0200 [voice] or 1 (888) 225-5322 [new computerized number]. They originally (up to 1994) had a primary option, given by the computer, that pertained to "petition 2493." Once that option was selected you were advised (1) that petition 2493 was denied, (2) that the FCC has received millions of petitions and phone calls, (3) that it was resolved on August 1, 1975, and (4) that Madalyn Murray O'Hair has never filed a petition with the FCC. The message also states that the FCC is required by law to take a neutral position concerning religion - to neither promote or inhibit it. All this didn't stop someone from making an updated email version, once again being circulated by Christians. This text goes like this...
Notice that this lying letter still even uses the old petition number, a lot of the original content, and merely adds a new twist. Likewise, an even newer email version (2006) goes like this...
This letter also requests names to be added as a petition, with a goal of it being forwarded to President Bush. The addition of Dr. Dobson's name is a shameless attempt to lend credibility, capitilizing on his widespread recognition. Once again, anyone interested in finding the facts can from a number of sources, including from the FCC phone system, and even on your computer (see links at end of this article). By the time anyone heard the FCC phone message (or saw the internet refutations), I'm sure they would have realized that the petition and letter currently being circulated are a cruel hoax. A hoax that is being aided and abetted primarily by Christians. Let me tell you a little bit more about this issue than what the FCC had on it's recorded message. The good news is that some prominent Christian organizations and individuals have tried to squelch this rumor. For example, the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE in Washington) published an article debunking it, in the NAE Washington Insight, way back in 1988. More recently (1993) the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (EFC) published an article in Faith Today magazine for the same purpose. The hope was that Christians would then be as zealous for the Truth, working to help stop these damaging rumors. That very year, a Christian couple in Saskatoon published an ad (September 1993) in the secular Saskatoon Sun, carrying the entire original petition and letter. In the months following they were made aware that it wasn't true. I would only hope, for the sake of the gospel and the credibility of Christians before the world, that they spent at least the same time and money trying to counteract this falsehood that they were formerly party to. Showing that a large number of people are concerned about the issues raised, the FCC had received over 22 million letters (excluding phone calls -- and the count is still climbing) by the early nineties. That makes an estimated $7-$8 MILLION dollars (of primarily the Lord's money) that has been wasted on postage alone (and by now, many millions more!). Just think of what could have been done for good with that same type of effort. It's time we, as Christians, started to act with conviction and integrity. And then, Lord willing, maybe this can be my last article about happenings of this sort (I'm still hoping!). The End
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