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"And I saw" 
A commentary on the Revelation of Jesus Christ

by Brent J. MacDonald

This web version is the first widespread release of this commentary, following a limited distribution of the last edit proof (doc#: RC3a). Web distribution allows for further clarifications and error corrections, if needed. If you believe such are needed, please forward details to (and reference doc#: WR1)

PDF: And I Saw: A commentary on the Revelation of Jesus Christ

The following charts are embedded in the pdf
and here provided as separate hi-res graphics:

Chart 1          Chart 2          Chart 3

The Biblical study of Eschatology, or end-times beliefs, is in the top ten list for causing unnecessary division in God's church. The ease with which people cry heresy and want to ostracize anyone whose study takes them from their traditional norms keeps many from even considering deep personal study.

I respect your right to disagree with some of what I wrote. It's a work of man and therefore it's not perfect.  As God's revealed word, Scriptures alone hold the distinction of perfection. If you disagree because it goes against tradition or personally held assumptions, do not casually reject it - in so doing you elevate tradition above God's Word. Have you studied the whole subject through, making sure to maintain its context? This takes time. Weigh every word and every assertion I make by God's Word and then cling to that which is true. If you find Biblical reason to reject any aspect, make sure to document it and forward your concern to me. Through the input of many godly people, this work will improve and do justice to God's meaning and intent in His amazing Revelation of Jesus Christ. 

(c) 2017 Brent MacDonald, LTM/DTI - Cottage Cove Urban Ministries