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Note from the author:

For your $17 donation to Cottage Cove Urban Ministries we'll send you my book (there's no taxes and shipping is included). If you choose to give more, any amount above the $17 will be receipted as a charitable gift. This enables your book buying to help "the least of these," the at-risk children we serve in Nashville, TN.

If you want multiple copies; for 2-9 copies, deduct 10%. For 10-15 copies, deduct 20%. If wanting a still greater number of copies, send me a note for a quote.

If you are in Nashville, TN, feel free to come by Cottage Cove and pickup a copy. Give Cottage Cove a call (615-292-2303) before coming.

If you're in Canada, Amazon Canada has my book available and shipping is a whole lot cheaper than my shipping it from the US, so, please: Order from Amazon Canada. If you want me to ship to any international destination please send me a note to get a quote on shipping first and pay any international costs. Please email me: brent[at]cottagecove.org.

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4908 Aquatic Road, Nashville TN 37211
(615) 292-2303


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